
No. 92-2230


Plaintiff, Appellant,



Defendants, Appellees.




[Hon. Joseph A. DiClerico, U.S. District Judge]



Breyer, Chief Judge,
Torruella and Cyr, Circuit Judges.


Weston J. Stow on brief pro se.
Jeffrey R. Howard, Attorney General, and William C. McCallum,
__________________ _____________________
Assistant Attorney General, on brief for appellees.


May 27, 1993

Per Curiam. Plaintiff appeals from the dismissal

of his action as frivolous. We affirm.


Plaintiff, an inmate at New Hampshire State Prison,

filed a civil rights action seeking declaratory, injunctive,

and damages relief for two instances when he was not

permitted by prison regulations to send sealed letters to the

Liberty University School of Lifelong Learning in postage-

prepaid envelopes supplied by the university. The envelopes

contained plaintiff's request to enroll in summer classes and

plaintiff's grades for the previous semesters. While prison

regulations allowed sealed letters to be sent to any of ten

listed persons or entities (e.g., president, vice-president,

federal or state courts) -- all other outgoing mail

presumably had to be sent in unsealed envelopes for ready

inspection -- schools and universities were not included on

the privileged list.1 Nevertheless, plaintiff claimed that


1. According to plaintiff, the challenged regulation
provided as follows:

Privileged Correspondence

1. Correspondence between a resident and a privileged
correspondent will not ordinarily be inspected.
However, it may be opened in the presence of the
resident when considered necessary to insure the
authenticity of the correspondent or to check for
contraband. In any case, it will not be opened
outside the presence of the resident unless the
item has specifically waived this privilege in
writing. Mail in privileged status must be clearly
addressed to or received from one of the ten (10)


his mail should be considered privileged because it contained

plaintiff's grades, a personal matter. After prison

officials refused plaintiff's request and required an

unsealed mailing, plaintiff filed the present action

challenging the prison mail policy and the prison officials'

actions as violative of the constitution and the Family

Educationaland Privacy Rights Act of 1974, 20 U.S.C. 1232g.


privileged classifications in this PPD.

2. The following is a complete list of agencies or
individuals classified as privileged. Mail
addressed as indicated will not be opened for
inspection except in the resident's presence and
may be sealed before deposit in the mail collection
boxes. Addresses marked with a *, do not require

a. President of the United States, Washington, DC

b. Vice-President of the United States,
Washington, DC

c. Members of Congress addressed to appropriate

d. The Attorney General of the United States and
regional offices of the Attorney General

e. Federal or State Courts*

f. The Governor and Council of the State of New
Hampshire, State House, Concord, NH 03301*

g. The Attorney General of the State of New
Hampshire, State House Annex, Concord, NH

h. Commissioner of the Department of Corrections*

i. Members of the State Parole Board*

k. County Attorneys per warden


Concluding that plaintiff had no right to send his

college transcripts in sealed envelopes, a magistrate judge

recommended that the complaint be dismissed. The district

court agreed, and plaintiff has now appealed.


The censorship2 of outgoing prisoner

correspondence "is justified if the following criteria are


First, the regulation or practice in
question must further an important or
substantial governmental interest
unrelated to the suppression of
expression. Prison officials may not
censor inmate correspondence simply to
eliminate unflattering or unwelcome
opinions or factually inaccurate
statements. Rather, they must show that
a regulation authorizing mail censorship
furthers one or more of the substantial
governmental interests of security,
order, and rehabilitation. Second, the
limitation of First Amendment freedoms
must be no greater than is necessary or
essential to the protection of the
particular governmental interest
involved. Thus a restriction on inmate
correspondence that furthers an important
or substantial interest of penal
administration will nevertheless be
invalid if its sweep is unnecessarily
broad. This does not mean, of course,
that prison administrators may be
required to show with certainty that
adverse consequences would flow from the


2. We will assume without deciding that the inspection of
plaintiff's mail constitutes censorship. But see Royse v.
__________ ___ ___ _____
Superior Court of the State of Washington, 779 F.2d 573 (9th
Cir. 1986) (inspection for contraband of mail sent by
prisoners to state court does not constitute censorship and
does not violate the constitution).


failure to censor a particular letter.
Some latitude in anticipating the
probable consequences of allowing certain
speech in a prison environment is
essential to the proper discharge of an
administrator's duty. But any regulation
or practice that restricts inmate
correspondence must be generally
necessary to protect one or more of the
legitimate governmental interests
identified above.

Procunier v. Martinez, 416 U.S. 396, 413-14 (1974). See also
_________ ________ ___ ____

Thornburgh v. Abbott, 490 U.S. 401, 413 (1989) (Martinez
__________ ______ ________

standard applies when assessing the constitutionality of

regulations concerning outgoing correspondence, but

regulation of incoming mail is subject to more deferential

reasonableness standard).

The challenged New Hampshire State Prison practice

of requiring non-privileged outgoing mail to be submitted for

inspection in unsealed envelopes satisfies both Martinez

criteria. First, the practice furthers an important

governmental interest -- security. As the Supreme Court has

recognized, ["p]erhaps the most obvious example of

justifiable censorship of prisoner mail would be refusal to

send . . . letters concerning escape plans or containing

other information concerning proposed criminal activity."

Procunier v. Martinez, 416 U.S. at 413. Plaintiff would
_________ ________

argue that his mail, directed to a school in an envelope

supplied by the school, presented no security problem because

escape or criminal activity plans could not fruitfully be


transmitted in this manner. Plaintiff is wrong. Were the

institution not a legitimate one or were the school's mail

room employee in cahoots with plaintiff, security concerns

could well be implicated.

Plaintiff argues that inspection of outgoing

correspondence cannot rationally be justified as a security

measure given, plaintiff says, that prison officials do not

monitor prisoners' telephone calls or conversations with

visitors, means by which prisoners could just as easily

communicate escape plans. Plaintiff cites to a number of

older cases which employed such reasoning in striking down

outgoing mail inspection practices. We, however, rejected a

similar argument in Feeley v. Sampson, 570 F.2d 364, 374 (1st
______ _______

Cir. 1978). There, the district court had reasoned that

"because detainees' visits went unmonitored, escape plans or

contraband `drops' could be plotted regardless of any

surveillance of correspondence," and concluded that

inspection of outgoing mail could therefore not be upheld on

security grounds. Id. at 374. We rejected that reasoning

and concluded, in substance, that unmonitored mail increased

prisoners' opportunities for plotting escape and consequently

surveillance was justified as a security measure. We adhere

to that position.

The second Martinez requirement, that the

limitation be no greater than necessary, is also met. The


limitation is fairly minimal -- plaintiff can correspond with

the school provided he allows prison officials to check the

correspondence -- and there is no other way to determine

whether escape plans or other proscribable matter is being

sent except by looking at the correspondence. Plaintiff's

constitutional rights were not violated. See United States
___ _____________

v. Whalen, 940 F.2d 1027, 1035 (7th Cir.) ("it is well

established that prisons have sound reasons for reading the

outgoing mail of their inmates"), cert. denied, 112 S. Ct.

403 (1991); Gaines v. Lane, 790 F.2d 1299, 1304 (7th Cir.
______ ____

1986) (inspection of non-privileged outgoing mail does not

violate prisoners' First Amendment rights); United States v.

Kelton, 791 F.2d 101 (8th Cir.) (prisoner's Fourth Amendment

rights not violated by prison official's inspection and

copying of prisoner's outgoing mail), cert. denied, 479 U.S.

989 (1986).

Nor were plaintiff's rights under the Family

Educational and Privacy Rights Act, 20 U.S.C. 1232g,

violated. Nothing in that Act requires prison officials to

take plaintiff's word that the envelope contained transcripts

and accept the sealed mailing.

