United States Court of Appeals
United States Court of Appeals
For the First Circuit
For the First Circuit

No. 92-2408







Defendants, Appellees.




[Hon. A. David Mazzone, U.S. District Judge]



Breyer, Chief Judge,
Selya and Stahl, Circuit Judges.


Domenic S. Terranova for appellant.
Linda T. Wihbey, with whom Ring, Rudnick & Grefe, P.C., Philipp
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G. Grefe, and Ring & Grefe, P.C., were on brief for appellees.
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June 3, 1993

STAHL, Circuit Judge. Plaintiff-appellant Mark

Nelson (Mark) claims that the bankruptcy and district courts

erred in dismissing his suit for damages against his former

wife, Paula Nelson Fiorenza (Paula), and her attorneys. He

alleges that defendants willfully violated an automatic stay

provided by the bankruptcy code when they instituted equity

actions in state court which interfered with the sale of the

former marital home. We disagree and affirm.



The Nelsons were married on February 2, 1985, and

resided at 16 Dorchester Street, Wilmington, Massachusetts.

On February 12, 1991, they executed a marital agreement which

subsequently became part of a divorce judgment. Under the

terms of that agreement, Mark was obligated to pay Paula $200

weekly as child support for the benefit of their eight year-

old daughter. The agreement further obligated him to

maintain the first and second mortgages on the former marital


home, and actively to list and market the property for


On March 22, 1991, for $1.00 consideration, Mark

transferred all of his right, title and interest in 16

Dorchester Street to his father, George Nelson, as trustee.2

When Mark failed to make child support payments, Paula began

enforcement efforts in the Middlesex County Probate and

Family Court. On May 8, 1991, and October 24, 1991, the

court entered judgments of contempt against him. The second

contempt judgment resulted in a 120-day jail sentence,

suspended until November 8, 1991, "to see if all arrears are

paid." A


1. According to defendants' brief in bankruptcy court, the
agreement also provided that Paula Nelson transfer her right,
title and interest in 16 Dorchester Street to Mark. As we
read the agreement, she was required to transfer her right,
title and interest in six Wilmington properties, including 18
Dorchester Street, but not 16 Dorchester Street. It is
unclear to us, therefore, who held title to 16 Dorchester
Street as of February 12, 1991.

2. At oral argument, plaintiff's counsel contended that
prior to the transfer, the property was in a real estate
trust, with Mark and Paula as both trustees and lifetime
beneficiaries. Counsel argued that a second real estate
trust had been established well in advance of March 1991, and
that the "transfer" really amounted to a mere substitution of
George Nelson for Mark as trustee. There is no evidence in
the record as to whether such trust arrangements ever
existed. Nor is there any evidence that Paula surrendered
her interest as either trustee or lifetime beneficiary of 16
Dorchester Street in the marital agreement. See n.1 supra.
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hearing on the contempt judgment was continued to November

12, 1991. On November 8, 1991, Mark filed a voluntary,

"skeleton"3 petition for bankruptcy under Chapter 13 in the

Bankruptcy Court for the District of Massachusetts. On

November 12, 1991, Mark filed in the Probate Court a

suggestion of bankruptcy and a motion to continue the pending

contempt action. Subsequently, on November 25, 1991, Paula

proceeded to file another action in that court seeking an

attachment and temporary restraining order to prevent the

transfer of the 16 Dorchester Street property.4 According

to defendants, during these proceedings, Judge McGovern of

the Probate Court directed the parties to meet with the

Chapter 13 trustee in bankruptcy, Joseph Szabo. Defendants

assert that trustee Szabo "agreed to execute a stipulation

allowing for the sale of the property, asserting that the

bankruptcy estate did not claim any right, title or interest


3. A "skeleton" bankruptcy petition does not include the
required itemized lists of assets and liabilities.
Petitioners obtain leave to file those lists at a later date.
After receiving two such extensions of time in which to file
the supporting documents, Mark filed the schedules to
accompany his Chapter 13 bankruptcy petition on December 26,
1991. He listed 16 Dorchester Street as real property in
which he held an equitable interest of one-half, and on which
there were mortgages of $105,214.93 and $68,765.84. Given
counsel's argument that Paula had relinquished all interest
in the property, see n.1 supra, it is unclear who held the
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remaining one-half beneficial interest in the property.

4. She appears to have done so after learning that 16
Dorchester Street was the subject of a purchase and sale


in the property, as said property stood in the name of George

Nelson, not the Debtor Mark Nelson." Mark does not dispute

defendants' version of what transpired.

The Probate Court issued a temporary restraining

order on December 9, 1991, with a return date of December 19,

1991. On December 17, 1991, Mark filed another suggestion of

bankruptcy and motion to continue. On December 19, 1991, the

Probate Court issued an interlocutory order continuing the

restraining order in force. The pending sale of 16

Dorchester Street fell through when, according to Mark, Paula

refused to provide relief from the liens on the property.

On January 2, 1992, Paula, in a further effort to

preserve her rights in 16 Dorchester Street, filed another

equitable action seeking an attachment on the property. On

January 7, 1992, the Probate Court ordered the attachment.

On January 16, 1992, Mark commenced an adversary

proceeding in the bankruptcy court against his ex-wife and

her attorneys, claiming that, by pursuing equity actions in

state court against property properly in the bankruptcy

estate, they had willfully violated an automatic stay

provided by 11 U.S.C. 362. He sought actual damages, costs

and attorneys' fees and punitive damages claiming that these

arose from defendants' obstruction of the proposed sale of

the marital residence.


In response, defendants moved to dismiss the action for

failure to state a claim.

On February 15, 1992, Mark converted his Chapter 13

bankruptcy petition to a Chapter 7 petition. Subsequently,

the mortgagee successfully petitioned the bankruptcy court

for relief from the stay in order to permit it to proceed to

foreclose on its 16 Dorchester Street mortgage, an action

which ultimately occurred.

On May 22, 1992, the bankruptcy court dismissed

Mark's adversary proceeding. He appealed to the district

court which, on September 15, 1992, affirmed the judgment of

the bankruptcy court. From that decision he now appeals.



As a general rule, the filing of a bankruptcy

petition operates as a stay against actions affecting the

property of the bankruptcy estate. 11 U.S.C. 362(a).

Because the stay takes effect upon filing, without the need

for further action, it is often referred to as an "automatic"

stay. The function of the stay is to "protect the bankrupt's

estate from being eaten away by creditors' lawsuits and

seizures of property before the trustee has had the

opportunity to marshal the estate's assets and distribute

them equitably among the creditors." Martin-Trigona v.


Champion Fed. Sav. & Loan Assoc., 892 F.2d 575, 577 (7th Cir.

1989) (citing H.R. Rep. No. 595, 95th Cong. 1st Sess. 340

(1977), U.S. Code Cong. & Admin. News 1978, p. 5787).

Ordinarily, a party in interest must ask the

bankruptcy court for, and receive, relief from the stay

before proceeding against the debtor's estate. 11 U.S.C

362(d). The code, however, also provides numerous statutory

exceptions to the automatic stay. 11 U.S.C. 362(b). Under

11 U.S.C. 362(b)(2), actions to "collect[] . . . alimony,

maintenance, or support from property that is not property of

the estate" are not barred by an automatic stay. 11 U.S.C.

362(b)(2) (emphasis supplied). Litigants who take action

against a bankruptcy estate without receiving the prior

approval of the court or falling under one of the statutory

exceptions are subject to sanctions. The code provides that

"[a]n individual injured by any willful violation of a stay

provided by this section shall recover actual damages,

including costs and attorneys' fees, and, in appropriate

circumstances, may recover punitive damages." 11 U.S.C.

362(h) (emphasis supplied).

This case turns on two questions: (1) whether

Paula's equity actions in state court fell under the

362(b)(2) exception to the automatic stay; and (2) if not,

whether Paula "willfully violated" the automatic stay,

thereby subjecting herself to penalties under 362(h). In


this case, the answer to the first question provides the

answer to the second.

As noted above, 362(b)(2) exempts from automatic

stays actions seeking to collect support from property "that

is not property of the estate." 11 U.S.C. 362(b)(2)

(emphasis supplied). Paula appears to have been aware of the

following at the time she filed the November equity action:

(1) the Registry of Deeds recorded that ownership of the

property had been transferred from Mark to George Nelson; and

(2) Mark had not listed any interest in 16 Dorchester Street

as property of the estate because he had yet to file the

documents to support his bankruptcy petition. At or close to

the time she filed the action, Paula learned from Joseph

Szabo, the Chapter 13 bankruptcy trustee, that the bankruptcy

estate would not claim any of the proceeds of the then

pending sale of the property.5

Given the peculiar "facts" of this case, we hold

that Paula could not have "willfully violated" the automatic

stay applicable to plaintiff's property, if, in fact, 16

Dorchester Street was ever covered by such a stay. Although


5. We also note that Mark's counsel conceded at oral
argument that there was no way for Paula to determine from
public records who held beneficial interest in the property
at 16 Dorchester Street. Indeed, in retrospect, it is
impossible for this court to determine whether the property
was properly part of the bankruptcy estate. The ambiguous
record of this case contains no evidence that the property
was ever in a real estate trust, and it is unclear whether,
when and how Paula surrendered her interest in the property.


Paula could have asked the bankruptcy court to determine

whether the property was subject to a stay prior to

commencing her equity actions in state court, we hold that it

was reasonable for her to believe that the property was not

part of the bankruptcy estate.6 Indeed, we believe that the

record in this case makes it so obvious that Paula's actions

could not have been willful that we find this appeal

frivolous. See Fed. R. App. P. 38. Therefore, we award the

defendants the sum of $2,000 to cover both appellate costs

and appellate attorneys' fees said fees to run jointly and

severally against appellants and his counsel.7 The decision

of the district court is affirmed.


6. Mark does not explicitly state which of Paula's actions
interfered with the sale of 16 Dorchester Street. To the
extent that he argues for a distinction between actions filed
before December 26, 1991, when he filed the schedules
accompanying his bankruptcy petition indicating that the
bankruptcy estate had an equitable interest in the property,
and those initiated thereafter, he does so in a most
perfunctory manner. This court has often warned litigants
that "issues adverted to in a perfunctory manner,
unaccompanied by some effort at developed argumentation, are
deemed waived." United States v. Zannino, 895 F.2d 1, 17
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(1st Cir.), cert. denied, 494 U.S. 1082 (1990).
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7. Because defendants did not cross-appeal the denial of
their motion for costs and fees below, they failed to
preserve that issue on appeal.
