November 6, 1995 [NOT FOR PUBLICATION]

United States Court of Appeals
For the First Circuit

No. 95-1487











Torruella, Chief Judge, ___________

Cyr, and Lynch, Circuit Judges. ______________


Randall E. Nash, with whom Matthew E. Dwyer and Dwyer & ________________ _________________ _______
Jenkins were on brief, for petitioner. _______
Mary J. Rieser, Attorney, U.S. Dept. of Labor, with whom _______________
Thomas S. Williamson, Jr., Solicitor of Labor, Gail V. Coleman, __________________________ _______________
Deputy Associate Solicitor, U.S. Dept. of Labor, and William J. __________
Stone, Counsel for Appellate Litigation, U.S. Dept. of Labor, _____
were on brief, for respondent.



Per Curiam. Robert Delaney, an employee of Per Curiam. ___________

Massachusetts Correctional Industries ("MCI"), was

transferred from his position at the Walpole state prison

after complaining about being exposed to toxic chemicals on

the job. He now appeals from the Secretary of Labor's

dismissal of his complaint under the whistleblower protection

provisions of the Toxic Substances Control Act ("TSCA"), 15

U.S.C. 2622 et seq. (1988).1 We affirm the Secretary's __ ____

determination that it was not Delaney's whistleblowing

activity that resulted in his transfer, but rather the

perceived security problem he posed for the prison (his

employer's client) by the manner in which he chose to voice

his concerns. In so doing, we reject Delaney's attack on the

Secretary's finding as not supported by substantial evidence

and his attempt to recharacterize this case as one requiring

a "mixed motive" analysis.

The Department of Labor's Findings __________________________________

Robert Delaney works for MCI, which contracts to

provide services for the Massachusetts state prisons. From

1987 to 1990, Delaney worked as an instructor in the license

plate shop of the maximum security prison in Walpole,

Massachusetts. He complained repeatedly to his employer

(MCI, not the prison) from 1988 to 1990 about being exposed


1. We have jurisdiction under 15 U.S.C. 2622(c)(1).

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to toxic chemicals in the shop, and did so first orally to

his supervisor and then by formal grievance. He also filed

complaints with the United States Environmental Protection

Agency, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental

Protection, and the Walpole Board of Health in the spring of


On August 14, 1990, MCI involuntarily transferred

Delaney to a position at Norfolk Industries, a manufacturing

operation at an adjacent prison in Norfolk. Although Delaney

retained the same job title and pay he had enjoyed at the

Walpole shop, he considered the transfer to be adverse: he

believed that the new job carried responsibilities that he

would not be able to fulfill and so felt that his job

security was threatened.

The issue is whether the transfer constituted

retaliation by MCI (Delaney's employer) for Delaney's

chemical exposure grievances. Delaney was transferred after

Robert Duval, the acting superintendent of the Walpole

prison, sent a letter to the MCI Director, Hutch Aghjayan,

following up on earlier conversations. Duval's letter stated

he had obtained information that inmates were increasingly

showing concern and becoming anxious about hazardous


2. Those agencies then investigated the shop conditions and
ordered remedial measures to be taken by MCI. As a result,
several changes were made in ventilation and procedures for
disposing of toxic chemicals. There has been no claim of
ongoing toxic exposure hazards in the MCI shop.

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materials in the license plate shop. Duval said he had

ordered interviews with staff and had learned that while

Delaney had not been seen talking directly to any inmates,

Delaney had been seen discussing the chemical exposure issue

openly with other staff and on the phone even though inmates

were clearly present to overhear those discussions. The

letter concluded:

At this juncture, this controversy is
affecting the overall climate and
security of this Institution and
immediate steps must be taken to prevent
further escalation. If we fail to take
immediate action the possibility exists
that we could face a reaction on the part
of inmates that may include a work
stoppage or other forms of protest. I
therefore recommend that until the
controversy is settled as to the use of
the chemicals and the safety of their use
is confirmed, strong consideration should
be given to the reassignment of Mr.
Delaney to another facility.

On the same day he received this letter from Duval, Aghjayan,

in turn, sent a letter to Delaney, notifying him that he was

to be transferred "in the interest of institution security"

based on reports that he was "a source of information to

inmates through indiscretion in [his] conversation with staff

and while on the telephone."3


3. Delaney did not report for work at his new position.
Instead, he filed an industrial accident claim asserting
disability based on exposure to toxic substances and filed
the complaint with the Department of Labor from which this
appeal arises, alleging whistleblower discrimination and
seeking reinstatement and damages.

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Following hearing and a Recommended Decision from

an Administrative Law Judge, the Secretary found that

Delaney's transfer had indeed been adverse, but not

retaliatory. He concluded that MCI was "motivated by concern

for 'the overall climate and security' of the prison when it

transferred Mr. Delaney, not by his protected activities.

. . . Even though the substance of Mr. Delaney's . . .

[chemical exposure] complaints was protected under TSCA, the

indiscreet manner in which [he] openly discussed the

situation within earshot of prisoners was not protected."

Delaney's Challenge ___________________

The Secretary's decision must be affirmed unless

Delaney meets his burden of showing that the decision is not

supported by substantial evidence, is arbitrary, capricious

or otherwise not in accordance with law. 15 U.S.C.

2622(c)(1) (setting standard of review by reference to 5

U.S.C. 706); Boston Edison v. FERC, 885 F.2d 962, 964 (1st _____________ ____

Cir. 1989).

Delaney assigns an error of fact and an error of

law. He asserts that there is no factual support for the

Secretary's determination as to his employer's motive in

transferring him. Further, he says, the Secretary erred in

not analyzing his claim under the "mixed-motive" analysis set

forth in Mt. Healthy City School Dist. Bd. of Educ. v. Doyle, __________________________________________ _____

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429 U.S. 274 (1977), and thus applied inappropriate burdens

of proof and production.4

The first claim fails and the second falls with it.

The Secretary's factual finding was adequately supported.

"Substantial evidence" is "such relevant evidence as a

reasonable mind might accept as adequate to support a

conclusion." Richardson v. Perales, 402 U.S. 389, 401 (1971) __________ _______

(internal quotation omitted). Substantial evidence is

something more than a scintilla, but something less than the

weight of the evidence. See Gouveia v. INS, 980 F.2d 814, ___ _______ ___

818 (1st Cir. 1992); see also Consolo v. Federal Maritime ________ _______ _________________

Comm'n, 383 U.S. 607, 619-20 (1966). ______

The letter expressing concerns about Delaney's

indiscretions with prison inmates was sent to Aghjayan not by

another employee of MCI (Delaney's employer), but by Ronald

Duval, the acting superintendent of the prison. Aghjayan ______

testified at the hearing before the ALJ that he had to defer

to prison officials on matters of security. Thus, because he

saw Duval's letter as an urgent matter of prison security, he


4. It appears that the Secretary has adopted, in actions
brought under the TSCA, the burdens of proof and production
established by the Supreme Court in employment discrimination
actions, e.g. McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green, 411 U.S. 792 ____ _______________________ _____
(1973). See Simon v. Simmons Foods, Inc., 49 F.3d 386, 388 ___ _____ ___________________
(8th Cir. 1995) (applying burden-shifting analysis to
retaliatory discharge claim under TSCA). The Secretary does
not dispute that in an appropriate case a dual motive
analysis would apply. He says this is not such a case
because plaintiff failed to establish the factual predicate
for such analysis.

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took it seriously. Although Aghjayan had discretion to make

hiring and firing decisions at MCI, he testified that he did

not feel free to disregard Duval's letter: "[I]t was not a

letter that I could ignore."

Aghjayan's testimony and the Duval letter provide

substantial evidence to support the Secretary's finding that

Aghjayan's decision to transfer Delaney was based on his

receipt of the Duval letter and the concerns communicated

therein. Delaney has offered no credible evidence to support

a conclusion that this articulated reason for the transfer

was mere pretext for retaliation.5

Delaney's objection that the decision was based on

hearsay is insufficient. Not only were the proceedings

before the Department of Labor not governed by formal rules

of evidence, 29 C.F.R. 24.5(e)(1), but Delaney did not even

make a hearsay objection before the ALJ. The argument proves

too much in any event. In everyday life people can and do

make decisions based on what they learn from others. The law

does not prohibit that. The TSCA prohibits only retaliation

against whistleblowing activities. Here, the record


5. And even if there were some such evidence, that alone ____
would not justify refusing to defer to the Secretary on this
point. "[T]he possibility of drawing two inconsistent
conclusions from the evidence does not prevent an
administrative agency's finding from being supported by
substantial evidence." Boston Shipping Ass'n, Inc. v. ______________________________
Federal Maritime Comm'n, 706 F.2d 1231, 1236 (1st Cir. 1983) ________________________
(quoting Consolo, 383 U.S. at 620). _______

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establishes that Delaney's employer acted at the request of

prison officials concerning a matter of prison security.

That the prison officials' security concerns might, in turn,

have been based on hearsay is immaterial. There is no

evidence of pretext. Thus, the Secretary correctly found in

favor of MCI.

Finally, we note that the Secretary found that MCI

did not act under a dual motive. This finding is ___

unassailable. On the record before us there has been no

showing of "mixed motive" and thus no foundation for applying

a "mixed motive" analysis. Cf. McKennon v. Nashville Banner ___ ________ ________________

Publ. Co., 115 S. Ct. 879, 885 (1995) (stating that the Mt. __________ ___

Healthy mixed motive analysis is inapposite where there has _______

been shown to be only a single motive for the challenged

employment decision). There is, as the Secretary recognized,

a difference between what Mr. Delaney said and the

circumstances in which he said it. The Secretary's finding

that Delaney's transfer was motivated only by consideration

of the latter is amply supported by the record.

At bottom, Delaney had to prove that he was

transferred to Norfolk because of his complaints about being

exposed to toxic substances. See Kahn v. Secretary of Labor, ___ ____ __________________

64 F.3d 271, 278 (7th Cir. 1995) (analyzing claim under

identical whistleblower provision of the Energy

Reorganization Act). The ALJ and the Secretary here found

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that Delaney failed to make the requisite proof. Because we

do not review the question de novo, and because there was __ ____

substantial evidence to support that administrative

conclusion, the Secretary's determination is affirmed. _________

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